Change Your Career with Linux Certification

To start with, what is the need of certification? Do we really need to be certified to get success as a Professional? Yes, the need is very obvious. To get your skills authenticated by a standard institute or certification really plays a vital role to give you a push in your career, both in terms of skills and money. But in real platform if you have certification but cannot deliver what is expected from you by your employer and the client then it is of no good.

Certification vs. Experience

There are various kinds of certification available in the market. You can pay and get the certificate and on the other hand you really need to show your skills to achieve the certificate. It is quite obvious that the first type hardly helps. With the first type of certificate and no real experience in Linux will take you nowhere.

If you have really strived hard by working in live situation your certificate will take you along way. So your experience and authentic Linux certification are a deadly combination which will make a horse of a long race and your career as a Linux professional will see a steep rise.

Types of Linux Certification

In the world of Linux, you can avail two types of certification:

  • Theory based
  • Application based

Levels of Linux Certification

Linux offers various types certification at various levels:

  • Entry or Junior Level: This will ensure that you have basics skills of working in Linux environment. Definitely this will not change the scenario overnight but will act as a stepping stone to your career
  • Advanced Level: This will ensure a more advanced knowledge about Linux as it demands more experience and acts as key to your advancement in professional world.

Certifications assures your that you are well informed about the various skills and information .Out of the two types ,application based certification are always given more weightage than the other one due to the obvious reason of hands on experience.


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