Linux training is essential for any IT professional to shine in his or her career. As an open source Linux is pretty easy to setup and configure although not all are trained to be able to do so. This is why the technology industries are always looking for candidates with genuine grasp over Linux, which is available both at several colleges as well as online. This is enough reason why you should learn Linux because the ultimate goal of learning anything is to prosper and to rise higher in your professional career. However, Linux training has several other privileges which are discussed below.
Linux is highly useful and flexible and Linux admin training is not only a welcome addition to your curriculum vitae but is also highly recommended for making your work easier. This is the first step towards a highly desirable career path. Once you have achieved the training required to be an expert Linux developer you automatically become a part of the community that uses Linux to make a difference in the world.
Moreover, Linux is the last real community frontier which means Linux is completely community driven. Their initiative is to better the operating system and thus the software is free. You can simply learn from the developers within the community and you will never ever have to pay for any upgrades of the operating system whatsoever. This reduces your dependence on free sites like bitTorrents and so on. As long as you contribute effectively to the community, the Linux community will contribute back in ten folds.
Linux is the most popular server OS on the internet and is still growing which means your Linux training is always going to be in demand. The Linux market share is skyrocketing mostly because of the availability of cloud computing. Thus, Knowing Linux helps you be a better freelancer or more “hireable” to potential employers.
Another reason why Linux training is a must for you is the fact that it takes no effort at all. There are innumerable colleges and online programs that allow you to acquire both beginners as well as advanced courses. All you have to do is choose the program that best suits your demands, attend the online classes and finally take the certified examinations and you are good to go. The best part is most of the sites are free while few issue a minimal registration charge.